5 Ways to Use LOA to Enjoy an Abundant Social Life

The law of attraction works in all areas of life, including your social life.

Note: This is in direct opposition to haphazardly waiting for new friends to appear.

The principle of like attracts like applies to every area of life - including your social life. We don't often think of using the law of attraction for something like our social life, but the truth is you can use it to enhance your social life and to make rewarding new connections and friends.

When you are truly abundant, you enjoy abundance in all areas of life, from having a multitude of friends to having abundant relationships or even abundant health.

Relationships and friendships tend to resonate at the same energetic level, so if you want to become part of a friendship that is happy and affectionate, you have to first be happy and affectionate yourself.

In order to use LOA effectively, you must first understand how it is currently working in your life.

You can do this by asking yourself what kind of vibe you are putting out.

  • In other words, if you ran into yourself at the grocery store or the bank, what would you think of yourself?
  • What kind of energy are you putting out?

If you are closed off and not open to new things and new people, then you won't have many opportunities to attract new friends.

5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Attract an Abundant Social Life.

  1. Practice visualizing your ideal social life.
  2. Get involved in activities that feed your soul by following your passions or those things you absolutely love to do.
  3. Try and be happy in the moment and appreciating those things you already have.
  4. Be interested in other people – as opposed to trying to be interesting yourself.
  5. Radiate love and affection by smiling more – and not judging people.

Attract an amazing social life - our guided meditation will help you manifest it!

1. Visualization.

![man in front of a mountain contemplating life](images/content/man-thinking-of-future


Creative visualization is the key to the LOA. You can do this during a deep breathing exercise or while meditating or sitting quietly.

  1. Start by taking a few deep breaths to center your energy.
  2. Start picturing in your mind the kind of people or the kind of social life you would like to have. You could see yourself meeting friends for coffee, going to a park, or even inviting a group of people over for dinner.
  3. Try and choose situations that you would feel comfortable with. Picture the day in every detail. See yourself exuding confidence and smiling and laughing.
  4. Create the perfect environment in your mind and spend 5 to 15 minutes immersed in this, every day or as often as you possibly can. You might be amazed at your results.

2. Get involved in activities that feed your soul by following your passions or those things you absolutely love to do.

You aren't going to meet new people sitting around in your apartment or house ,so it's important to start venturing out.

You could take a class, take a walk or join a group.

If you stick with things you love and things that align with your passions, you will naturally meet people with common interests.

3. Try and be happy in the moment and appreciate the things you already have.

This is an important point - because YOU are the only person that can make you happy.

When you are happy and grateful for those people and those things in your life you already have, people notice your positive energy and enthusiasm and are naturally drawn to you.

4. Be interested in other people – as opposed to trying to be interesting yourself.

This may sound like a strange tip, but it's an important one.

In other words, don't try and be interesting, but instead be interested in other people.

Ask people about themselves and see what kind of tidbits you can pick up. Most people love talking about themselves and this tactic works in any environment, ranging from a bar to a networking meeting.

5. Radiate love and affection by smiling more – and not judging people.

Don't forget to smile!

If you walk around with a scowl on your face and your arms crossed, you are not going to look approachable. Try and smile as much as you can, and instead of judging people, put yourself in their shoes and see if you can be a little more empathetic.

The universe responds to the energy you put out, plain and simple. If you’re sending out a new message and resonating at a higher frequency, you will soon come in contact with people that match that frequency and as a result, attract new friends and a larger social circle.