7 Proven Tips to Improve Your Memory Quickly

Our minds, like our bodies, go through wear and tear. And the daily grind – stresses, worries and anxieties take a toll on us both mentally and physically.

Here are 7 Proven Methods that You Can Use to Remember Things Better.

1. Physical Exercise.

We build our bodies through exercise. Exercise also improves our memory and thinking skills. Exercise is also a great way to de-stress and to focus better.

Start enjoying exercise today - and build both your mind and body.

2. Do mental workouts.

The brain is a muscle. Do activities that strech that muscle. The result will be an improved memory.

There are many fun ways to exercise your brain. A simple search on app stores across different mobile platforms will bring up a wealth of applications and games that can put your brain to the test.

Some applications are dedicated memory-builders while others require mental focus and the use of problem-solving skills.

Or just grab as many puzzles, crosswords, chess and other games which require brainpower as you can - and play them.

3. Rest.

Tired, worn down minds don’t operate efficiently.

While we may not be able to escape the pressures of life, we can make sure that we get enough sleep. When we sleep, our brains perform an important operation – they commit short-term memories into long-term 'storage'.

In laymens terms, if you don’t sleep enough your memory will suffer.

4. Reduce stress.

Stress hurts your memory. Do things that help you relax.

Meditation is a great way to de-stress. Studies have shown that with meditation, memory improves in only a few weeks.

When you live in the moment, in close touch with your thoughts and feelings, you’re more focused on the uptake of valid information without anxiety and negativity to distract you too


People who practice mindfulness also have better cognitive flexibility, which helps the brain to take up and store information that is currently available without interruption.

5. Use mnemonics.

Mnemonics are memory aids to help us remember and recall data such as names, numbers, or the order of words.

  • A popular mnemonic device for remembering the colors of the rainbow, for example, is Richard Of York Gave Battles In Vain, with the first letters of each of those words referring to the different colours that appear.
  • You may use a rhyme or story to remember more information.
  • Associating digits, such as phone numbers, with numbers that have meaning in your life is also a popular strategy.

6. Try different learning methods.

To retain more information - different methods work for different people.

  • Some need to re-write the information they want to remember on a piece of paper.
  • Others use bright colours, or they organize information in a specific way to aid memory.

Try different methods when you need to remember things fast and see which ones work best for you.

7. Focus.

We often get so distracted and overwhelmed by events around us that we don’t soak in the experience long enough to form lasting memories.

When you’re experiencing daily life, take in as much as you can. Focus your attention - try to seeing everything in more detail than you're used to.

Use all your senses to fully experience an event. Listen, see and touch. You’ll form a deeper connection to your experience, and you’ll retain it in greater clarity and depth.

Final piece of advice is to just use meditation to help you enhance your memory. Download meditation for memory improvement audio.

Just as healthy bodies can remain strong and active for decades with right care, well-exercised minds can function as well at old age as they did when you were young. Physical exercise takes effort, practice and dedication - apply the same logic when you try these tips to improve your memory.

Got any tips to share with us? We'd love to hear from you!